Wall of Fame

23 august 2022

By Patrick

Wall of Fame

Wall of Fame

Everyone who has ever had the opportunity to visit Los Angeles, has probably also visited the ⭐️ Hollywood Walk of Fame ⭐️. Placques on the pavement at Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street immortalise the glory of many a film- and tv-star. At TRAINING.GAME, we do that our own way. Everyone who made a significant contribution to the development of our training game 'Flagship Store' are immortalised in our game. Our heroes are forever immortalised in the Wall of Fame on the wall in the 'Christine's apartment' scene.

Our Stars: Jasper Willemsen (game design), Rutger Jansen (game design), Anna Vashchaeva (Sr 3D artist), Tomasz Mildner (3D artist), Stefan Iliuta (game developer), Chris Leenheer (concept artist), Kaushik Aryan (3D character rigger), Nathalie Rosenbrand (game design), Raymon Manders (game writer), Cristina Cazanji (UI design).


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